Please note, we are in the process of up dating this site. It is out of date, but all contact details are correct.
Arnside Art Group meetings are held on Wednesdays 2 - 4pm in the W.I. / Village Hall, Orchard Road.
Arnside Art Group meetings are held on Wednesdays 2 - 4pm in the W.I. / Village Hall, Orchard Road.
A brief background of the group
Arnside Art Group was formed in 1971 and held its first exhibition that year. The idea to form an art group was that of Lilian Eagle who taught art and in the early days, group members were given ‘homework’!!!!
Until 1989 the meetings were held in the Methodist Church Hall and thereafter in the WI Hall on Orchard Road. Lilian was an active up to 1990 and with the help of members supervised the Annual Exhibition: invited people to give talks and demonstrations AND she took a register of attendance each week.
Today the group is organised by an elected committee of members and no longer have homework!!!
We are not a tutored group but we do have a weekly programme from September to May which includes arranged workshops from visiting artists, suggested topics by members and regular time to develop our own work.
These are some of the artists we have invited for workshops in the past: Frances Winder, Graham Twyford, Jamie Barnes, Ruth Clayton, Janette Philips, Peter Threlfall and Sally Payne.
The information below summarises how the group operates.
Arnside Art Group was formed in 1971 and held its first exhibition that year. The idea to form an art group was that of Lilian Eagle who taught art and in the early days, group members were given ‘homework’!!!!
Until 1989 the meetings were held in the Methodist Church Hall and thereafter in the WI Hall on Orchard Road. Lilian was an active up to 1990 and with the help of members supervised the Annual Exhibition: invited people to give talks and demonstrations AND she took a register of attendance each week.
Today the group is organised by an elected committee of members and no longer have homework!!!
We are not a tutored group but we do have a weekly programme from September to May which includes arranged workshops from visiting artists, suggested topics by members and regular time to develop our own work.
These are some of the artists we have invited for workshops in the past: Frances Winder, Graham Twyford, Jamie Barnes, Ruth Clayton, Janette Philips, Peter Threlfall and Sally Payne.
The information below summarises how the group operates.
Arnside Art Group membership
As a member you can enjoy a varied and exciting programme, whilst enjoying the interaction with our relaxed and friendly group. From September through to May we meet on Wednesday afternoons at the Women’s Institute on Orchard Road, Arnside. Members are at all different stages of growth with their art, from beginners to accomplished artists. At these relaxed and informal sessions, the members may share techniques, progress their latest projects, share thoughts and ideas, whilst enjoying excellent tea and cakes! Through the summer months some members choose to meet up, and paint in the great outdoors.
A full programme of the coming seasons events is provided for all in September.
The annual membership fee is £25 and includes:
- group meetings every Wednesday 2pm - 4pm, with a programme of events.
- Monthly 3 hour workshops by visiting artists, (1.30pm - 4.30pm), giving members the chance to try something new and develop their skills and creativity. Though subsidized, we do make a small additional charge, (usually £5), to help towards the cost of the demonstration.
- An additional benefit is free entry into our own annual exhibition, which is generally held at the end of May. The exhibition is a celebration of a season’s work and involvement in The Art Group and shouldn’t be regarded as the reason for membership. It's an opportunity for members to join in with a highly regarded local event to display and sell their work.
If you are interested in joining our group, we are more than happy for you to come along for a couple of weeks, work with us, and see if you enjoy yourself. Please use the contact button below to send an email to our Membership secretary, to let us know when you are coming, or to ask any further questions.
We will look forward to meeting you.
Beverley Atkins - Chair
© images are the copyright of the individual artists and are not to be used without their permission.